So many sad and unbelievable stories today that it is impossible to write them down. Here is a quick one-> we visited a family with 4 children in a shack the size of a livingroom. The husband got disabled after a bus ran over him. He just sits in a corner on the dirt near a small firepit now and stares and can't move or talk. The wife collects leftover corn stalks to cook for the children. They have no other food. We bought them some eggs from a truck going by which was selling them. Still, she has no pan, or oil or spoon to cook them with. We also left some green bananas donated by Chichita which could not sell a container.
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Hi Everybody,
Emma writing: We are at a one hour difference from Colorado. The main fruits are papaya, watermelon, bananas, oranges, avacado things like that. Today we went to the clinic for the first time. It ws a lot of fun. Anita helped with pre-natal and I watched. It was cool. We also went to a poor village and delivered bananas. I have never seen anyone so happy about just plain old bananas. Green too. It was weird. G said that they would eat anything if it was free. But if you said pizza. They would think....."What in the world are they saying?" but in spanish. On Saturday we will be going to the zoo and we will be bringing about 50 kids who have never been out of their small village and we have to make sandwitches for them all. Their favorite kind is black bean. They also have no idea what an elephant or giraffe is.
At the clinic, we did earwashes but everybody's ears were so clogged that they needed drops to get all the stuff out.
The roads are really bad in the village and they are all bumpy and rutty and dirty with a TON of trash.
One more thing. I get to ride in the back of the pickup truck. Aren't I lucky?
I am so glad you are posting your experiences there. it reminds me of the missionary work I did in Brazil. . . Wishing you health and safety and hoping your trip is a success. Much love, Amie Houser
Again, thank you for sharing the stories and your adventure. The people are beautiful.
Blessings on your work!
Carissimi, siamo felici di vedere le vostre foto. Emma é una bravissima giornalista e Dad un buon fotografo. Il Signore vi benedica e benedica tutti coloro che lavorano per quei fratelli che vivono poveramente.
Mamma e papà
Hi..I tried to leave this comment befoer but I think I did it wrong...thanks for all the beautiful pictures....the faces of the people aer beautiful! And you are a great writer, Emma!! Be careful on the back of that pick-up truck!! Love, Peggy, Grace and Lilly
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