Since we did not post much this year, below are 12 photos that try to summarize what has happened to us in 2018.
And for those of you that will not receive our Advent/Christmas letter via email (we apologize for not having your email address), here it is:
Dear Family and Friends:
We hope this letter finds you and all of your family well.
Christmas is an amazing season of comfort and restoration. Christmas is a reminder that our desert time is over and that we are the “darlings whom God has chosen” (Isaiah 44:2). Salvation comes through our Infant Lord!
This year it’s Norine writing the Contolini Advent letter. I am inspired because I have been learning about the Prophet Isaiah in year 3 of my Catholic Biblical School studies. I am experiencing such joy through scripture by learning that no matter how bad things get, or how bad we’ve been, Jesus always wants us to return to him. He gives us countless opportunities no matter how many times we refuse him. In our busy game of life, it’s like Jesus says to us, “Ready or not, here I come!”
This Advent season we are excited because our boys are enjoying soccer together and are starting a new endeavor, a basement band. Paolo is a drummer and Pietro a guitarist. Isabella and Emanuela are coming home from Scotland and the University of Mary respectively on the same day. We have missed them, but know they have joyful adventures to share with us all about how God has blessed them in the last few months away from home. Are you excited about something this Advent?
We should all rejoice because "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14). This is Christmas. This infinitely loving guest is coming to see us. How can we be ready for Him? As St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta told her sisters, just enter in an adoration chapel this Advent season and say, "Here I am Lord, love me". Ask him to reveal himself to you, whatever your frame of mind might be! Jesus is waiting.
Merry Christmas,
Norine, Enrico, Isabella, Emanuela, Pietro and Paolo.
Paolo's drums captured by Pietro's photography |
Learning to fly |
Prom together |
Taking Emma to college |
First day of college for Emma |
Pietro rediscovers soccer |
Enrico is still running (fast) |
I can't believe college could be such a great place |
Con i nonni e lo zio e i cugini a Londra |
Isabella's quidditch team in Scotland |
Preparing Thanksgiving dinner for the Catholic Chaplaincy |
Have a Holy Advent and Christmas! |